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How Grape Seed Extract Helps to Regulate Zinc Activity

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healthy grape seed benefits

As an essential mineral, zinc has been described by doctors K. M. Hambidge and N.F. Krebs as being of “exceptional biological and public health importance.” Biochemical studies have shown that there are several hundred enzymes in the human body which have a zinc atom in the reactive center. Zinc has been linked to increased immune response, reduced risks of cardiovascular diseases and countless others health benefits. The prostate gland contains a high concentration of zinc and the mineral is significantly involved in the reproductive process — particularly the transport of sex hormones in both genders. Continue reading How Grape Seed Extract Helps to Regulate Zinc Activity

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The Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Grape Seeds

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eat grape seeds

For most persons around the world, grapes are a delicious and highly nutritious snack. In fact, grapes are generally considered to be the most important food crop cultivated on planet earth. We pop them into our mouth, spit out the slightly bitter seeds and savor the plump flesh and sweet juices. And some of us even manage to avoid the annoyance of removing the seeds altogether by simply purchasing seedless grapes. Whatever our personal approach might be though, recent scientific studies suggest that perhaps we have been going about our grape snacking all wrong. As the facts show, by getting rid of the seeds, we have effectively discarded the bulk of the healthy nutrients on offer. Continue reading The Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Grape Seeds

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The Anti-aging effects of Grape Seeds

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In humans, youth is characterized by a clearly discernible period of physical and mental development. As our cells multiply, our bodies become bigger and stronger – and as we continue to take in knowledge, our cognitive abilities increase. But as we are well aware, something goes awry in the cell renewal process when we reach the 20-35 year old mark. We begin to lose our ability to respond favorably to stressors, biological homeostasis decreases and we become more prone to diseases. In a nutshell, we begin to age.

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